Monday 2 March 2009

Jade Goody

I know that Jade Goody does not constitute as being bad, but I really don’t agree with the way it is so hyped up in the media. I really feel sorry for her; I would not wish cancer on anyone and think it’s tragic that she is going to die at such a young age. I even understand that she is selling her story to the papers and making her documentary to secure her kids’ financial future. But I think she is taking it way too far now. She has made her money, so why not let her die in peace now? She had even said that she is prepared to die on TV. Is that really the image that she wants her children to remember? When they are older, they will see that footage, and I know that I wouldn’t want my children to have to go through that; it’s hard enough that they are losing their mother. Also, what about all those other poor women in her situation? Just because she is a celebrity does not make the situation a more tragic loss than any other woman dying in hospital and leaving her family behind.
The subject angers me in the sense that I think it’s immoral the amount of money she is being paid for all of this. We are supposed to be in the midst of an economic slump and millions of people are finding their selves unemployed. So why do magazines like Hello, have the ability to give Jade 1million pounds for a wedding photo shoot?

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