Monday 23 February 2009


I’m not quite sure where I stand on the subject of infidelity. I’m lucky on the sense that it has never happened to me (that I know to anyway) and I can proudly say that I have never been adulterous. But that is not to say that I would never do it. I would like to think that it is something that I would never do, but I couldn’t guarantee it. The prospect of staying with one person for the rest of your life is actually quite scary. However, on saying that, I'm quite a hypocrite as I don’t know if I could forgive anybody who had done it to me, the trust has gone and it would be hard to get back. Plus, it would be a huge knock to my confidence. I would constantly be wondering “what is wrong with me?” and “why am I not good enough to keep him faithful?” But what exactly are the boundaries of infidelity? Would you dump somebody over a drunken snog in a club? Or if you saw your other half just flirting casually with the opposite sex? It would cause an argument, inevitably, but I don’t think that it should necessarily be the end to the relationship. I know people who have cheated, and some of the time, I can’t really blame them. But then I think to myself, if they feel like they have to play away, why don’t they just end the relationship? I say that I couldn’t guarantee staying faithful, but if I felt that the affair was becoming more than just casual, I couldn’t live with myself for leading my boyfriend on; I would have to end the relationship, even if it meant that I would end up on my own.

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