Friday 20 March 2009

Is Honesty the Best Policy?

There are different types of lying. There are the white lies that you tell people to make them feel better, like “I’m sure he will call”, when you know he’s just not interested in your mate, or when you tell children that Santa and the Easter Bunny are real, to make holidays special and magical for them.
Then there are the lies you know you shouldn’t tell, but just don’t want to hurt anyone. Like when you tell your mom that you have never smoked a cigarette, or that you really like your best friend’s boyfriend/girlfriend, when really, you can’t stand the sight of them. These kinds of things are fine; nobody is hurt, people are hearing what they want to hear, everyone is happy. Yes?
Until it starts turning into compulsive lying. Like cheating or not telling your partner you are in so much debt you have spent your savings and re-mortgaged the house. With these types of lies, the trust has gone.
Honesty may not always be the best policy, but I hate being lied to (not about Santa and things!). I would like to think my friends would tell me if my new outfit made me look like a beach whale, and I would certainly want 2 know if my boyfriend/husband was keeping something major from me. I have been lied to in the past, that I just cannot tolerate nor do it. I hate lying to anybody and feel so guilty, that in the end, I have to tell the truth anyway.

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